Vermicular | Orange Roasted Carrots

Orange Roasted Carrots

Tailored for: Musui–Kamado
Oven Pot Click to Modify
Cooking Flow
40 min
Cooking Steps

[LOW] 20 min

[EXT LOW] 20 min


4 medium carrots, unpeeled, halved lengthwise, cut into 4" lengths

Orange Juice Mixture
3 tablespoons orange juice
½ teaspoon kosher salt
½ teaspoon coriander seeds
1" piece fresh ginger, unpeeled, crushed
1 sprig fresh thyme
Orange zest

Sour cream or feta cheese
Sliced almonds
Chopped fresh parsley

  1. In a small bowl, mix ingredients for Orange Juice Mixture. Set aside.

  2. Place carrots in the pot, cover and steam-roast over [LOW] heat for 20 minutes.

  3. Uncover and drizzle Orange Juice Mixture on top. Cover and simmer over [EXT LOW] heat for 20 minutes.

  4. Let cool and serve with sour cream or feta cheese. Sprinkle with sliced almonds and chopped parsley for garnish.

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